
The Bleed

Online journal from Aventexte press focussing on publishing 'vital, progressive visual, concrete and experimental poetries'. The Bleed is on the lookout for submissions, click here for guidelines.

via Geof Huth



A new issue of Ekleksographia online magazine, ‘William Blake and the Naked Teaparty,’ guest edited by Philip Davenport.

This issue features textworks that emphasise the touch - handwrit and haptic – particularly pieces that consider emotional engagements, human space - that weird trace and corporate/military erasure of the handmade, the human touch, the not-digital. These qualities link into the alternative tradition of poetics - and to 'outsider' artists who are owed a debt by the experimenters (an IOU all the way back to Will Blake, he and the Mrs sitting on the lawn in London afternoons, naked, drinking tea).


  • Alan Halsey
  • Anna MacGowan
  • The Atlas Group
  • Ben Gwilliam
  • Carol Watts
  • Carolyn Thompson
  • Darren Marsh
  • Dave Griffiths
  • David Tibet
  • Geof Huth
  • George Widener
  • Geraldine Monk
  • The Gingerbread Tree
  • Hainer Wormann
  • Harald Stoffers
  • Helmut Lemke
  • Holly Pester
  • James Davies
  • Jesse Glass
  • Jonathan Penton
  • Julia Grime
  • Kerry Morrison
  • Kirstie Gregory
  • Laurence Lane
  • Lee Patterson
  • Li E Chen
  • Liz Collini
  • Matt Dalby
  • Michael Wilson
  • Morry Carlin
  • Nick Blinko
  • Nico Vassilakis
  • Patricia Farrell
  • Rachael Elwell
  • Robert Grenier
  • Robert Sheppard
  • Sarah Sanders
  • Sean Bonney
  • Stephen Vincent
  • Steve Waling
  • Sue Arrowsmith
  • Todd Thorpe
  • Tony Lopez
  • Tony Trehy

The issue goes online 15th March 2010 and will be launched with a 24 ‘live’ online writing event by Sarah Saunders.

The Series Editor is Jesse Glass.



Monday 22nd March, 6 - 10.30pm

Taking as its theme a re-examination of the Small Press Collection of rare magazines housed at UCL, this event will give you the chance to engage with the spirit of the alternative 'avant-garde' press, re-visiting early texts that straddle the divide between art and poetry — including artists and writers Vito Acconci, Sol Le Witt, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Derek Jarman and Bob Cobbing. These texts will be explored through various forms of performance and accompanied by film, video and documentation of the period. The evening will also stage new creative works by contemporary visual artists, writers and musicians, exploring the interaction between words and images and a 'speaker's corner' with short talks by members of the Slade Word/Image Research Forum.

Staged by the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL.

Wilkins North and South Cloisters, and the Old Refectory, Gower Street Campus, University College London WC1E 6BT


First Annual Brighton Poetry Festival

Friday 16th - Saturday 17th April

  • Tim Atkins
  • Sean Bonney
  • Andrea Brady
  • Stuart Calton
  • Vahni Capildeo
  • Chris Goode
  • Alan Halsey
  • Jeremy Hardingham
  • Alan Hay
  • Jeff Hilson
  • Tom Jones
  • Trevor Joyce
  • Justin Katko
  • Michael Kindellan
  • Geraldine Monk
  • Marianne Morris
  • Tom Raworth
  • Sophie Robinson
  • Jonty Tiplady
  • Carol Watts

Information about costs, times, venues, and line-up will be sent out shortly. In the meantime, festival contacts include Keston Sutherland, Daniel Kane, and/or Sara Crangle.


Arthur Shilling Press Overload

Harry Godwin is doing too much over at Arthur Shilling, so just go there.

FREAKLUNG Submissions

FREAKLUNG is accepting submissions for its 'Odes' issue up until 31st March. The issue will be commemorating the 10th anniversary of Barry MacSweeney's passing.

All work should be sent to the Editor, Linus Slug for consideration.

Further details on the website.


Mehmet Yashing, Parasol Unit Reading

Thursday 18th March, 7pm 

  • Mehmet Yashin

Parasol Unit, 14 Wharf Road, London N1 7RW


Knives, Forks and Spoons Launch

Tuesday 16th March, 7pm


  • Neil Campbell
  • Alex Davies (via recording)
  • Dermot Glennon
  • John Hall
  • Steven Waling
You are invited to the first Knives Forks and Spoons launch night. There will be a fully laden bookstall and plenty of real-ales, European lagers and real-cider.

The Crescent, 20 The Crescent, Salford, Manchester M5 4PF

Admission is free.


Infinite Difference: Other Poetries by UK Women Poets

An anthology of radical new women's poetry from the UK, featuring work by: Sascha Akhtar, Isobel Armstrong, Caroline Bergvall, Elisabeth Bletsoe, Anne Blonstein, Andrea Brady, Emily Critchley, Claire Crowther, Carrie Etter, Catherine Hales, Frances Kruk, Rachel Lehrman, Sophie Mayer, Marianne Morris, Wendy Mulford, Redell Olsen, Frances Presley, Anna Reckin, Carlyle Reedy, Denise Riley, Sophie Robinson, Lucy Sheerman, Zoë Skoulding, Harriet Tarlo, Carol Watts.

£12.95 / $20, ed. Carrie Etter, Shearsman, 2010 (Paperback, 211 pages)

ISBN 9781848610996

Available via the Bookshelf.


Wednesday 10th March, 7.30pm

The launch of Infinite Difference: Other Poetries by UK Women Poets, featuring:

  • Sascha Akhtar
  • Isobel Armstrong
  • Caroline Bergvall
  • Andrea Brady
  • Emily Critchley
  • Claire Crowther
  • Catherine Hales
  • Frances Kruk
  • Rachel Lehrman
  • Wendy Mulford
  • Redell Olsen
  • Frances Presley
  • Sophie Robinson
  • Zoë Skoulding
  • Harriet Tarlo

Swedenborg Hall, Swedenborg House, 20/21 Bloomsbury Way, London WC1A 2TH

Admission is free.


Runnymede International Literary Festival

Tuesday 16th - Saturday 20th March

Events of interest on Saturday 20th:

  • 10.30am - 12pm Poetic Practice Workshop: Kristen Kreider (International Building In243) - 20 places
  • 12.30 - 1.30pm Students from the MA in Poetic Practice (International Building In243)
  • 2 - 3pm Caroline Bergvall and John Hall (Management Auditorium)
  • 3.15 - 4.15pm Emily Critchely and Francis Presley (Management Auditorium)
  • 4.30 - 5.30pm Sean Bonney and Frances Kruk (Management Auditorium)

Royal Holloway University of London, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX

Admission to events is free.

Download full programme.