
Golden Handcuffs Review 14

Winter-Spring 2011, ed. Lou Rowan:

  • Zhang Er
  • Jesse Glass
  • Jeff Hilson
  • Hank Laser
  • Stacey Levine
  • Joseph McElroy
  • Toby Olson
  • Richard Parker
  • Meredith Quartermain
  • Maurice Scully
  • Jeffrey Twitchell-Waas
  • Rosmarie Waldrop
  • Lissa Wolsak
  • £8 (P&P inc.), UK distribution by West House Books, 2011 (304 pages)

    Payment by cheque or Paypal.

    West House Books, 40 Crescent Road, Nether Edge, Sheffield S7 1HN



    £9, Knives, Forks and Spoons Press, 2011 (107 pages)

    ISBN 978-1-907812-42-2

    Eighteen poets writing eighteen poems of eighteen words each. Featuring:

    • Richard Barrett
    • Mark Cobley
    • Emily Critchley
    • Alex Davies
    • Stephen Emmerson
    • Alison Faulds
    • S J Fowler
    • Susana Gardner
    • Harry Godwin
    • Christine Hamm
    • Jeff Hilson
    • Emily Howard
    • Simon Howard
    • Peter Hughes
    • Tom Jenks
    • Linus Slug
    • Maria Teutsch
    • Tom Watts

    Caroline Bergvall - Middling English

    Saturday 5th March, 3.30pm

    Artist talk by Caroline Bergvall.

    British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB

    Admission is free.


    Allen Fisher Cambridge Reading

    LATE NOTICE Wednesday 2nd March, 4pm

    Allen Fisher, 'Complexity Manifold':

    The Complexity Manifold talks set out with a polemic question: how do British poets approach composition in the twenty-first century? What the dominant paradigm for the cultural realm continues to be engaged in can be characterised as complicit and regressive, and this has pertained since it mattered in Britain, after the late 1950s or 1980s, and continues to provide inappropriate comprehension of most situations you could imagine. You read any newspaper and you will find it difficult to find any poetry worthy reading once, never mind rereading, and thus a dilemma for engaged cognition and perspective. If that doesn't characterise a problem for poetry, or more like a cluster of problems, then what does? The dilemma stems from a cluster, but it is informed by misappropriated paradigms as the norms.

    GR06/7, English Faculty Building, 9 West Road, Cambridge University, Cambridge CB3 9DP

    All welcome.


    Writers Forum Workshop (North)


    Counting Backwards #5

    Recordings and reviews of Counting Backwards #5 are available here.


    V&A Poetry Artist in Residence: Sophie Robinson

    Thursday 3rd March, 1pm

    A chance to visit the studio of Sophie Robinson, Poet-in-Residence at the V&A. Discuss her work in progress and find out how the V&A collections have been inspiring her during her residency.

    Meeting Point, Grand Entrance, V&A Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL

    Free, all welcome


    The Other Room 22 Videos

    Videos from The Other Room 22 available to view here.


    Sean Bonney & Maggie O'Sullivan Reading

    Wednesday 2nd March, 6 - 7pm

    • Sean Bonney
    • Maggie O'Sullivan

    Clephan Building, Rooms 2.32/2.33, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH

    Admission is free but booking is required.

    Shearsman Reading Series: A Ground Aslant

    Tuesday 1st March, 7.30pm

    The launch of A Ground Aslant - Radical Landscape Poetry, ed. Harriet Tarlo.

    Readings from:

    • Ian Davidson
    • Mark Dickinson
    • Peter Larkin
    • Helen Macdonald
    • Wendy Mulford (TBC)
    • Frances Presley
    • Peter Riley
    • Harriet Tarlo
    • Carol Watts

    Swedenborg Hall, Swedenborg House, 20/21 Bloomsbury Way, WC1A 2TH

    Admission is free.