
Writers Forum

Saturday 9th April, 4 - 6pm (arrive at 3.30pm)

Betsey Trotwood, Farringdon, London EC1

Admission is free


Our Voice: Refugee Youth Magazine, Letters From Palestine

In its own unique way, OUR VOICE is a form of independent grassroots media. It is a platform from within Palestine through which young Palestinian refugees are speaking out to the world beyond the Wall and the other physical restraints which imprison and divide Palestinian people. Over the last two years, our project participants have written and photographed to help people understand the enforced shape that their lives have taken. They have described through this work many elements of their lives. In this issue, our young writers and photographers have turned their attention directly to the outside world and to specific individuals and collective groups who in some way have played, or do play, a role in Palestine’s story.
Our Voice: Refugee Youth Magazine, Letters From Palestine

Nauja Poezija: Young Lithuanian & British poets in collaboration

Friday 8th April, 7pm

In a collaborative, ebullient and inimitable poetry event, we welcome three of Lithuania's finest young poets to London with a reception at Europe House and an exchange of poetry from some of the finest native poets the city has to offer.
  • Tim Atkins
  • Tomas S. Butkus
  • Jeff Hilson
  • Kate Kililea
  • Gabriele Labanauskaite
  • Agnes Lehoczky
  • Donatas Petrošius
  • Jon Shaw

More TBA.

Europe House, 32 Smith Square, London SW1P

Admission is free.

via modernpoetry


Counting Backwards #6


Poetry Illustrated

Poetry Illustrated is an independent and non-mainstream London based magazine devoted to promoting avant-garde illustrators and meaningful writing. Now open for submissions and looking for: fresh, witty, conversational, relevant, visionary and expressive poetry. Theme for our first issue is “Gender”. We’re equally interested in hearing from performance poetry artists and poetry reviewers. Deadline for submissions is 30th May 2011. Submissions will be welcomed on Online at

Lecture: Dada 1916 - 2016

Friday 8th April, 7.30pm

Marc Dachy, Director of the DADA Archive in Paris will talk about Kurt Schwitters and DADA. Though it only lasted a decade from 1915, the outpourings of Dada - art, collages, plays - remain the stuff of the avant-garde, from Schwitters's sound poems to Duchamp's urinal. Marc Dachy will re-trace the events that lead to Schwitters departure from the movement and then focus on what might distinguish between a DADA and MERZ attitude in art. Followed by a panel discussion.

International Anthony Burgess Foundation, Engine House, Chorlton Mill, 3 Cambridge Street, Manchester M1 5BY

Admission is free, all welcome.

via The Other Room


Tim Atkins - Petrarch

'Hazardous and buoyant, with all the zip and sass of a Heathrow-unslough’d O’Hara. Not, decidedly, the programmatic constructivist plodding of routine translation homophonickal, not, apparently, translation exactly at all (though I suspect a rather deftly salacious argument’d carry for ’l bel tempo rimena’s being auscultated as "the golden age of homosexuality," like running a forefinger around a goblet to make it sing...)' - John Latta, Isola di Rifiuti blog

£10 / $20, Barque Press, 2011

ISBN 978-1-903488-78-2


Writers Forum Workshop (North) - Rescheduled

Saturday 9th April, 2pm

Everyone who wants to read and/or discuss their work will have the opportunity to do so.

Madlab, 36-40 Edge Street, Manchester M4 1HN




Details of how to purchase the next issue of SCREE are now available on the SCREE website.


Third Hay-on-Wye Poetry Jamboree

Thursday 2nd - Saturday 4th June 2011

2nd June

  • 6.30 - 7.30pm: festival launch reception
  • 7.30 - 9.15 pm: Ralph Hawkins, Allen Fisher

3rd June

  • 11am - 12pm: film and poetry - Colin Still
  • 2 - 4pm: Helen Lopez, John Freeman, Angela Gardner, Rhys Trimble, Paul Green
  • 5 - 6pm: lecture - Robert Sheppard
  • 7.30 - 9.15pm: Carol Watts, Sean Bonney

4th June

  • 11am - 12pm: Frances Presley, Glenn Storhaug
  • 2 - 4pm: Gavin Selerie, Tiffany Atkinson, David Annwn, Zoë Skoulding with Poetry Wales
  • 7.30 - 9.15pm: Kelvin Corcoran, Maggie O'Sullivan
  • 9.30 - 10.30pm: grand finale - Chicken of the Woods (bluegrass band)

All Saturday in Salem Chapel proper, Elysium Gallery in collaboration with Hay Poetry Jamboree presents Bus Stop Cinema - a festival of short films.

Oriel Gallery of Contemporary Arts, Salem Chapel, Bell Bank, Hay on Wye

Admission £5 / £3 (conc.) (for events at starting at 7.30pm)

Admission is free to all other events.