Writers Forum

Saturday 16th July, 4 - 6pm (arrive at 3.30pm)
Betsey Trotwood, 56 Farringdon Rd, Clerkenwell, London EC1R 3BL
Admission is free.
Saturday 16th July, 4 - 6pm (arrive at 3.30pm)
Betsey Trotwood, 56 Farringdon Rd, Clerkenwell, London EC1R 3BL
Admission is free.
Saturday 9th July, 4 - 6pm (arrive at 3.30pm)
Please note, to avoid confusion, this is Writers Forum - new series, not Writers Forum run by Lawrence Upton.
William IV, 7 Shepherdess Walk, London N1 7QE
Admission is free.
Wednesday 6th July, 8pm
A talk and reading exploring the influence of Ezra Pound on radical contemporary British poetry. Keston Sutherland and Tim Atkins will discuss their relationships with Pound's poetry and essays, how they may be important to British poetry today, what the difficulties might be for poets writing now in negotiating Pound's achievement, and how his work has influenced these poets specifically.
Poetry Library, Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX
Admission is free but space is limited. E-mail specialedition@poetrylibrary.org.uk to guarantee a place.
via modernpoetry
Monday 20th June
Room 124, 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0
32 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9
Admission is free, all welcome.
Wednesday 6th, 11am - Sunday 31st July, 8pm
Following Bob Cobbing’s cut-up instructions, German book artist Alex Czinczel’s stop-frame animation re-enacts The Young Hedgehog (1956). Taking clippings from The Observer, Czinczel re-contextualises Cobbing’s poetry in relation to current affairs and highlights the library’s collection of his books, magazines and sound recordings for a new audience.
Saison Poetry Library, Level 5, Royal Festival HallSouthbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX
Admission is free.
Thursday, 23rd June, 7.30pm
Introduced by Jeff Hilson:
The Horse Hospital, Colonnade, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 1JD
Alongside the festival there will be two events organised by Mike Weller at Beckenham Library.
Writers Unlimited Beckenham Bubble One - 'The next hundred years'
Wednesday 29th June, 7 - 8pm
Members and former members of Writers Unlimited, The Beckenham Scribblers, and Shortlands Poetry Circle read poetry and prose and discuss local writers groups and their place in the literature of the next hundred years.
Writers Unlimited Beckenham Bubble Two - 'Independence day self-publish and be blessed'
Monday 4th July, 6.30 - 8pm
Beckenham Library, 22 Beckenham Rd, Beckenham, Greater London BR3 4PE
Admission £1 per event (available in advance by telephoning Beckenham Library's enquiry desk: 020 8650 7292)
You can also get your tickets by e-mailing beckenham.library@bromley.gov.uk or visiting Beckenham Library.
The £1 admission fee also gets you refreshments.
Saturday 18th June, 7pm
The Rich Mix arts centre, 5 - 47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA
Admission is free.
Tuesday 14th June, 7.30pm
The Lamb (upstairs room), 94 Lamb's Conduit Street, London WC1
Admission £5 / £3 (conc.)