
Intercapillary Places launch event: "I Know Something About Love"

Thursday 17th March, 7pm

  • Elizabeth Eger (King's College, London) - a talk on Yinka Shonibare
  • Neil Pattison (St John's College, Cambridge) - reading a new sequence of poems called The Green Book
  • Reitha Pattison

Parasol Unit, 14 Wharf Road, London N1 7RW

Admission £3 / £1.50 (conc.)



R:FEST 11 (Runnymede International Literary Festival) is currently running. A full programme of events is now available to download as a PDF (75 KB).


CRS: Laura Kilbride & Josh Stanley

Saturday 12th March, 7.30pm

  • Laura Kilbride
  • Josh Stanley

Erasmus Room, Queens' College, Silver Street, Cambridge CB3 9ET


Contemporary Innovative Poetry Research Seminar - Dr. Keston Sutherland

Wednesday 16th March, 6 - 8pm

  • Dr. Keston Sutherland

Room G35, Ground Floor, Senate House, London

Admission is free, all welcome


The Blue Bus

Tuesday 15th March, 7.30pm

  • Sean Bonney
  • Mike Weller

The Lamb, 94 Lamb's Conduit Street, WC1

Admission £5 / £3 (conc.)


CRS: Ian Patterson & Marjorie Welish

Friday 11th March, 7.30pm

  • Ian Patterson
  • Marjorie Welish

Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio, Faculty of English, Cambridge University, Cambridge

Admission is free, all welcome


Runnymede International Literary Festival: MA Poetic Practice - Ambient Work Readings

Saturday 12th March, 4 - 6pm

  • Ian Patterson
  • Emily Critchley
  • Amy De'Ath
  • Harry Gilonis
  • Redell Olsen
  • Ian Patterson
  • Fiona Templeton

Big Room and Atrium, Centre for Creative Collaboration, 16 Acton Street, King's Cross WC1X 9NG

via Readings in London


POLYply 8 - Pulp


Sean Bonney: Art in Revolution

LATE NOTICE Friday 4th March, 7pm

Sean Bonney talk on Art in Revolution:

Like social life itself, artistic work goes into convulsions when it enters revolutionary periods. As an example of this process, I’d like to offer a lecture on the breakdowns between boundaries between artforms in the early years of the Russian Revolution /// talking about poets like Khlebnikov and Mayakovsky, about filmmakers like Eisenenstein, composers like Avraamov (if possible I’d like to play a recording of his Symphony of Sirens at massive volume) /// and talking about them as an example of how avant-garde art can become revolutionary (& contribute to social revolution) with absolutely no compromise in its complexity etc.

This wouldn’t be a simple historical lecture – I’d be talking about these artists as a way for us to think about how we as artists (& in particular experimental artists) can be contributing to the struggles we are all engaged in right now.

The Hand and Racquet Public House, 48 Whitcomb Street, London WC2H 7HA


Writers Forum - new series

Saturday 12th March, 4 - 6pm (arrive at 3.30pm)

Please note, to avoid confusion, this is Writers Forum - new series, not Writers Forum run by Lawrence Upton. For more information, e-mail Antony John or Stephen Mooney.

William IV, 7 Shepherdess Walk, London N1 7QE

Admission is free