
New from Knives, Forks and Spoons

2010 (33 pages)

ISBN 978-0-9565418-9-5


2010 (40 pages)

ISBN 978-0-9565418-8-8

Both publications: £6, Knives, Forks & Spoons Press.


New from Reality Street & Reading

£7.50, 2010 (62 pages)

ISBN 978-1874400462


£7.50, 2010 (64 pages)

ISBN 978-1874400479

Both publications available via the Bookshelf.


Tuesday 22nd June, 7:30pm

  • Fanny Howe
  • Tom Raworth

Unfortunately Jim Goar will not be able to read on this occasion.

The Lamb, 94 Lamb's Conduit Street, London WC1

Admission £5 / £3 (conc.)



Wednesday 14th - Sunday 18th May


  • John Hall
  • Geoffrey Squires
  • Maurice Scully
  • Randolph Healy
  • Derek Beaulieu
  • Chris Goode
  • Abigail Child
  • Rachel Blau DuPlessis
  • Jean Day
  • Eleni Sikelanos
  • Ian Davidson
  • Swantje Lichtenstein
  • Sam Forsythe
  • John Goodby
  • Trevor Joyce
  • Fergal Gaynor
  • Medbh McGuckian
  • Michael O'Loughlin
  • Carla Bertola
  • Alberto Vittachio
  • Mairead Byrne
  • Nat Raha
  • Sara Crangle

The SoundEye festival is held in Cork, Ireland. Details of venues, admission fees and accommodation can be found in due course on the SoundEye website.


Steve McCaffery & Karen Mac Cormack

Wednesday 9th June, 7pm

  • Steve McCaffery
  • Karen Mac Cormack

Room G01, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck College, Torrington Square, London WC1


Thursday 10th June, 6.45pm

  • Steve McCaffery: 'Zarathustran Pataphysics'
  • Karen Mac Cormack: 'Taking Reality By Surprise'

11 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3RF


Admission to both events is free, all welcome.


Alfred Celestine Memorial Reading

Thursday 3rd June, 7.30pm

Expected readers (subject to change):

  • Christopher Gutkind
  • Jeff Hilson
  • Jeremy Hilton
  • Keith Jebb
  • Jennifer Johnson
  • Richard Leigh
  • David Miller
  • John Welch

The Camden Eye, 2 Kentish Town Road, London

Admission is free.


Middlesex University Estate Strategy 

Thanks to Tessa Whitehouse for pointing me to this enlightening document: 

Welcome to the Middlesex University Master Plan.

This type of reductive thinking is going on across the whole university sector but I wonder how many other U.K universities have campuses in Dubai? Attend the protest on Thursday.



Via Facebook:

Due to the management's unintelligent decision to close down the philosophy department at Middlesex University, and furthermore suspending their own staff and students from the premises due to the resistence of the closure, we will have a rally on Thursday the 27th of May 4pm in front of Middlesex University, Hendon Campus.

Bring your banners and raise your voices in protest against this bullying from the management at Middlesex University and their repellent decision to close down the department.

For directions see here.

The second part of this event will take place on Friday the 28th May, same place. Please check this link for more info: 

See you all then.

You can inform yourself about the campaign here: Save Middlesex Philosophy.


ICA: The Situationist City

Wednesday 16th June, 6.45pm

The Situationist International, led by Guy Debord and central to the Paris uprising in May 1968, published many incendiary texts on politics and art in the journal Internationale Situationniste. One central theme to their work was rethinking the city: from a site for routine consumption and work to a utopia that breaks down barriers between function and play. Tom McDonough, Associate Professor of Modern Architecture and Urbanism in the Art History Department at Binghamton University, explores this re-imagining of the city as a revolutionary utopia.

Tom McDonough is an editor of Grey Room, Guy Debord and the Situationist International and the author of The Beautiful Language of My Century. His new book, The Situationists and the City: A Reader, is published by Verso Books.

Cinema 1, Institute of Contemporary Arts, The Mall, London SW1Y 5AH

Admission £12 / £11 (conc.) / £10 (ICA Members)


Klatch 2

Klatch 2 is now available to view in Online > ePubs. The magazine was assembled on Friday 29th January 2010. Thanks to everyone who was involved.

Photos from Klatch 3 are also now available to view in the Nights > Photos section, and a copy of the magazine produced during this Klatch will be available in the coming weeks.


Shearsman Reading

Tuesday 1st June, 7.30pm

  • Damian Furniss
  • Michael Zand

Swedenborg Hall, Swedenborg House, 20/21 Bloomsbury Way, WC1A 2TH

Admission is free.

via Readings in London