
Keston Sutherland reads Hot White Andy

Thursday 13th May, 7 - 8pm

Keston Sutherland is to perform his poem Hot White Andy - at a special event organised by the English Department at the University of Surrey.

Griffiths Lecture Hall, The University of Surrey

via Luke Roberts


Royal Holloway Poetics Research Group Reading

Tuesday 18th May, 7pm

  • Peter Gizzi
  • Drew Milne

Centre for Creative Collaboration, 16 Acton St, London WC1


Peter Gizzi Reading

Monday 17th May, 5pm

  • Peter Gizzi

Arts A155, University of Sussex

Admission is free, all welcome, wine served.


Dead Wasp Forum

Matt Dalby has started a forum.


Stuart Calton - Three Reveries

'Three Reveries' travels a bumpy road from satire to love lyric via extended clam-metaphor.

£5 / $10 + P&P, Barque Press (40 pages)

ISBN 978-1-905885-31-2


Otoliths: Poet-Editors

43 Poet-Editors, curated and introduced by Eileen R. Tabios, featuring:

  • William Allegrezza
  • Ivy Alvarez
  • Anny Ballardini
  • Joi Barrios
  • John Bloomberg-Rissman
  • Ana Božičević
  • Garrett Caples
  • Brian Clements
  • Bruce Covey
  • Del Ray Cross
  • Patrick James Dunagan
  • Elaine Equi
  • Adam Fieled
  • Thomas Fink
  • Luis H. Francia
  • Geoffrey Gatza
  • Tim Gaze
  • Crg Hill
  • Aileen Ibardaloza
  • Vincent Katz
  • Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
  • Burt Kimmelman
  • Mark Lamoureux
  • Amanda Laughtland
  • Timothy Liu
  • Dana Teen Lomax
  • Joey Madia
  • Sandy McIntosh
  • Didi Menendez
  • Lars Palm
  • Guillermo Parra
  • Ernesto Priego
  • Sam Rasnake
  • Barbara Jane Reyes
  • Christopher Rizzo
  • Patrick Rosal
  • Sarah Rosenthal
  • Susan M. Schultz
  • Logan Ryan Smith
  • Jill Stengel
  • Fiona Sze-Lorrain
  • Jean Vengua
  • Mark Young

_The Stats on Infinity_ Reading

Tuesday 11th May, 7pm

Keston Sutherland reads _The Stats on Infinity_.

Copies of _The Stats on Infinity_ will be on sale for £8.

The Calder Bookshop, 51 The Cut, London SE1 8LF

Admission is free.


Adrian Slatcher reading Extracts from Levona

Saturday 8th May, 3 - 5pm

To celebrate the launch of Adrian Slatcher's poetry collection 'Extracts from Levona' from Knives, Forks and Spoons Press.

MadLab, Edge Street, Northern Quarter, Manchester


Welcome to Cameron Land

If even 5% of this article is true (and I suspect the truth-to-word ratio is much much higher) no one, under any circumstances, should consider voting conservative:

Hammersmith and Fulham is a sprawling concrete sandwich of London's rich and London's poor. It starts at the million-pound apartments on the marina at Chelsea Harbour – white and glistening and perfect – and runs past giant brownish housing estates and Victorian mansions, until it staggers to a stop on Shepherd's Bush Green, where homeless people sit on the yellow-green grass drinking and watching the SUVs hurtle past. Here, high incomes squat next to high-rises in one big urban screech of noise. In such a mixed area, the Conservatives had to run for power as a reconstructed party "at home with modern Britain". They promised to move beyond Thatcherism and make the poor better off. They were the first to hum the tune that David Cameron has been singing a capella in this election.

People who took this at face value were startled by the first act of the Conservatives on assuming power – a crackdown on the homeless. They immediately sold off 12 homeless shelters, handing them to large property developers. The horrified charity Crisis was offered premises by the BBC to house the abandoned in a shelter over the Christmas period at least. The council refused permission. They said the homeless were a "law and order issue", and a shelter would attract undesirables to the area. With this in mind, they changed the rules so that the homeless had to "prove" to a sceptical bureaucracy that they had nowhere else to go – and if they failed, they were turned away.

Read the rest here.

via Timothy Thornton


Openned Podcast #2 - Francesca Lisette & Timothy Thornton

Now available on the Online > Podcast page, featuring readings from Francesca Lisette and Timothy Thornton. Francesca reads from Tar Orchid and Timothy reads three untitled poems.

Unfortunately the audio quality of the original, longer podcast makes it impossible to hear some of what is being said. Instead, we are making a transcript available for download.