
Entries from December 7, 2008 - December 13, 2008


Bill Allegrezza's Submission Dos and Don'ts

Just in case you missed the deadline for Moria a few days ago, here's some choice advice from Bill Allegrezza for when you are submitting poetry:

  • 'read the journal before submitting. most of the poems i reject are in styles not published in the journal.
  • don't write me two weeks after you submit looking for an answer.
  • go read some contemporary poetry. if you, a poet, don't read contemporary poetry, who does?
  • i don't publish poetry written by poets named harold unless they remind me of haroldo de campos.'
The last one is a bit harsh. While it could be taken as the words of a world-weary editor, most of it rings true for me, even with the relatively small amount of submissions Openned gets. In order to give this work its due Steve and myself usually take a good long look at it, which means any unnessary correspondence can get in the way of what really matters - the poetry. I think this holds especially true when sending to online publications, where it is quicker easier to publish work. Just because it's easier doesn't mean the quality level needs to be lower. Read the rest of his post here.

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Link List

Openned has a decent-sized link list down its right hand side, like a fetching beading. It's difficult to spot the new links so every so often we'll post up a selection of the additions.

More as they arrive. We don't force the issue see.

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So. much:

RECONFIGURATIONS: A Journal for Poetics & Poetry / Literature & Culture *An electronic, peer-reviewed, international, annual journal for poetics and poetry, creative and scholarly writing, innovative and traditional concerns with literary arts and cultural studies. *RECONFIGURATIONS publishes in November and is registered under a Creative Commons 3.0 License. *Manuscripts accepted for editorial review: April through August. *RECONFIGURATIONS is an open-access, independently managed journal. *ISSN: 1938-3592.

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Nobel Net

The Guardian:

The 2008 Nobel laureate JMG le Clézio looked to the wider world in his Nobel lecture... warning of the dangers of information poverty and calling for publishers to increase their efforts to put books in the hands of people around the world. Speaking at the Swedish Academy, the 68-year-old French writer defended globalisation and hailed the internet's ability to "forestall conflicts", suggesting the web could even, perhaps, have put a stop to Hitler, through "ridicule".
Witness the almighty unstoppable power of the internet. Aloha da blogosphere.

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Deadline: Moria

Late notice at the Buffalo listserv:

If you submit work by Thursday [11th December], I'll consider it for the next massive issue of Moria. (The issue will actually be a combination of three issues, so it will be rather large.) Bill Allegrezza editor [at] moriapoetry [dot] com p.s. i'm really interested in getting more innovative/experimental work from women.
You have 24 hours.

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Imagists on the Web

Al Filreis:

Up at MIT Nick Montfort--embodying the perfect mixture of engineering and literary backgrounds--has his students do some serious web work in (I'm almost tempted to say) the old-fashioned put-it-up-on-the-web mode. One student project has been to make Des Imagistes of 1912, Ezra Pound's gathering of imagists, available for the first time ever on the web. They've done a beautiful job of it. And even the URL - - is elegant.
Damn right its pretty.

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K. Silem Mohammad & Kenneth Goldsmith: "Relevance"

[youtube=] via ~~ululations~~

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Dean Koontz (Sic)

Dean Koontz speaks to his dead dog on his website. No joke of a lie. See them talk here. via RHUL Creative Writers Weblog

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M E S H W O R K S is a fantastic resource and a sexy website to boot, but it does not lend itself well to browsing. Its YouTube page does. There's been a burst of activity on it in the last couple of weeks, with videos of Caroline Bergvall, Allen Fisher, Alan Halsey, Geraldine Monk, Tom Raworth, Stephen Rodefer (posted on Openned a little while back) and Keston Sutherland finding their way into Google's infomatic knowledgegobbler. Like a Wonka machine except with poets instead of sweets.

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Cartoon Time

081215_cartoon_3_a13583_p465 © The New Yorker I love these cartoons so much. I'm going to post one every few weeks. The image coupled with the single line is a brilliant form.

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