Entries from August 1, 2010 - August 7, 2010
Openned Table Reminder

Don't forget, the Openned book table at Café 1001 is tomorrow from 12pm, check the Table page for more details.
Thursday 19th August, 6 - 9pm
- Helen Macdonald
- Peter Riley
Amnesty International Bookshop, Mill Road, Cambridge
Admission free, wine available.
Leslie Scalapino Online Books
Four complete books by Leslie Scalapino are now available to download as PDFs. Head to Charles Bernstein's blog for a list and links.
The Situation Room

Following the Openned Table.
Saturday 7th August, 7.30pm (8pm sharp start)
- Alex Davies
- Stephen Emmerson
- Elizabeth Guthrie
- Antony John
- Jonny Liron
- Joe Luna
- Sammy Solomon
- Timothy Thornton
- Steve Willey
- Yol
7 Fountayne Rd, Tottenham, Greater London N15 4
Admission is free.
Other Room 17 Readings & Interviews
Readings and interviews from the last Other Room featuring Derek Beaulieu, Jeff Hilson and Keston Sutherland are now online.
SoundEye & Greenwich Contributions

If anyone would like to contribute a record of their thoughts about SoundEye and/or the Greenwich festival for the next Openned Zine, please send it to us by Saturday 21st August. It can be a paragraph, a page, a photo, a diagram - whatever you want.