
Some Variations on a Theme of Bob

Friday 25th March - Saturday 7th May (Mon - Fri: 10am - 5pm; Sat: 12 - 4pm)

This exhibition looks at some aspects of Bob Cobbing - including a sample of his early sound work, a look at the period in the 1980s when he switched from ink duplicator to photocopier as general purpose too, and an examination of some of his last works, when he was still experimenting.

Some Variations on a Theme of Bob is curated Lawrence Upton, AHRC Research Fellow at Goldsmiths. Upton worked with Cobbing in a variety of capacities over many years.

SPACE, 129 - 131 Mare Street, London E8 3RH



The Ealdwic Ensemble - Frank F**k for that

Thursday 31st March, 7.30 - 10.30pm

The inaugural concert of the Ealdwic Ensemble performing new music by young composers, alongside contemporary chamber classics, juxtaposed against the 1950s writings and ramblings of New York poet Frank O'Hara, culminating in a performance of Morton Feldman's "For Frank O'Hara".
  • Oliver Rappoport - Senderos
  • Gyorgy Ligeti - Arc-en-ciel
  • Ewan Campbell - Patterned Echo Patterns
  • Helmut Lachenmann - Dal Niente
  • Matías Hancke de la Fuente - El eco en su sombra
  • Edgard Varese - Density 21.5
  • Morton Feldman - For Frank O'Hara


  • Ilze Ikse - Flutes
  • Victor de la Rosa - Clarinets
  • David Holmes - percussion
  • Timothy Thornton - Piano
  • Guy Button - Violin
  • Sophie Rivlin - Cello
  • Ewan Campbell - conductor
  • Thomas Mitchell and Isobel Cohen - poetry

King's College London, The Great Hall, The Strand, London, WC2R 2LS

Admission £5 / £3 (conc.)

via Timothy Thornton


Support Reality Street

Ken Edwards:

If you've been thinking about becoming a Reality Street Supporter for 2011 and you want your name included on the first two titles of the year (Occasionals by Carol Watts and Plants by James Davies), you have just a week to subscribe!

You can subscribe at any time. More information here.


Arts Uncut Space @ BHS Oxford St.

Saturday 26th March, 2pm

As well as the below, Sean Bonney and Nat Raha will be reading, amongst others:

TURN BHS into an ARTSpace


Actors Sam and Timothy West will perform together and help transform BHS into an artspace.

They will be joined by musicians and performers and a ukelele or two; with contributions from writers and theatre makers Stella Duffy, Chris Thorpe, Andy Field (Forest Fringe), Matthew David Scott, Alan Lane of Slunglow Theatre, Lisa Cagnacci... (more names tba)

There will be a performance by Aliki Chapple - of a play from Theatre Uncut, performance lectures, one-to-one encounters, poetry, painting, drawing and dancing...

AND there is still space to contribute your material - if you'd like to contribute - please contact with 'BHS Arts' in the subject heading...and bring your own art/instruments/drums on the day...

Be inside BHS near to the Oxford Street doors before 2pm. The signal will be 'an audience member' hushing... (join in) ready for curtain up at 2:01.

BHS, Oxford Street, London


The Other Room 23

Wednesday 6th April, 7pm

  • Ken Edwards
  • Carrie Etter
  • Alec Finlay
  • Derek Henderson (via live stream)

The Old Abbey Inn, 61 Pencroft Way, Manchester M15 6AY

Admission is free.


Jeff Hilson & Marianne Morris Reading


Thursday 24th March, 4 - 6pm

  • Jeff Hilson
  • Marianne Morris

Stephen Lawrence building, University of Greenwich, London

All welcome.


Calendar Update

We've made a few changes to the Openned Calendar. It's slightly bigger to make room for more events as there seems to be a lot more going on recently (yay). We've also colour-coded events and exhibitions/festivals separately to make it easier to distinguish between them. Finally, there's a new button next to the Week/Month/Agenda tabs at the top of the Calendar which will let you hide the exhibitions/festivals info if you find it's getting in the way too much:

If there's anything else you think would make the Calendar more useful, let us know.


The Poetry and Poetics Research Group at Edge Hill: Philip Terry

Thursday 31st March, 6.30 - 8pm

The OULIPO writers have been fascinating readers for many years now, whether through the novels of Italo Calvino or the masterpieces of Raymond Queneau, the teasing novels of George Perec or the poems of Jacques Roubaud. Experimenting with constraints (‘Write a novel without using the letter e’ or replace every noun with the seventh word after it in the dictionary’, through to complex mathematical systems) they have been slowly changing the way much mainstream writing is written. The results are often hugely funny.

The main practitioners are French and it is appropriate that the best British writer to follow this school is also one of its most adept translators into English. Now Philip Terry will be visiting Edge Hill for the first time to talk about his versions of Shakespeare’s sonnets. This hallowed work of literature is ransacked and re-written before our eyes. Come and see Philip read from, and talk about the work.

E21, Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 4QP

via The Other Room


Sheffield Poetry Festival

Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd April

Download the programme of events here.

Highlights include:

  • 2nd April, 5pm Geraldine Monk, Helen Mort, Ben Wilkinson
  • 3rd April, 1pm Making it up: The Origins and Accidents of Poetry - Kelvin Corcoran joined by Peter Riley
  • 3rd April, 4pm The Ground Aslant: Radical Landscape Poetry - Peter Riley, Mark Goodwin, Harriet Tarlo

Venues, maps and admission fees can be found on the Sheffield Poetry Festival website.

via The Other Room


Derek Henderson - Thus &: An Erasure of Ted Berrigan’s The Sonnets

£8, if p then q, March 2011 (88 pages)

ISBN 978-0-9558641-8-6

Read a sample

Thus & is a systematic erasure of Ted Berrigan’s 1964 collection The Sonnets. In his original sequence, Berrigan frequently and famously used repeated and/or reconfigured phrases, lines, and entire poems throughout. The current project seeks to uncover the “phantom poems” (in Alice Notley’s phrase) by erasing each word that occurs more than once in the original sonnet sequence. The only words that appear in Thus & are those that are typographically unique in The Sonnets. Thus, since “Carol” appears seven times in the original text, it has been erased, while “CAROL,” which appears in all-caps only once, has been retained.

This project has an online companion concordance to The Sonnets.