Majakovsky Museum
The architecture of the Museum is modeled on Mayakovsky's mind perceived through his poems. It is well worth the visit if you can brave the Russian Winter. I took this picture: Museum Website
The architecture of the Museum is modeled on Mayakovsky's mind perceived through his poems. It is well worth the visit if you can brave the Russian Winter. I took this picture: Museum Website
The next Openned night takes place on Thursday 6th March at the Foundry. Check the nights page for more information and an e-flyer.
'Through constraint and other formal methods, Oumypo (Ouvroir de MySpace Potentielle) seeks to uncover new MySpace structures, patterns and behaviors, which may then be used by MySpacers in any way they please. For example, we have contructed the "F+7" method: Replace every friend in your "Top Friends" list with the friend seven entries after that person in your "My Friends" list. Also, try the "Pimp My MySpace HTML Lipogram" whereby you cannot use any HTML codes containing the letters h, t, m, or l when constructing your page. (See comments section bellow for additional Oumypo techniques and strategies. And by all means, please feel free to post your own Oumypo ideas!)' Citizens, the time is ripe for a Flarfbook. Link
'This story originated in ancient Greece: Two painters were rivals in a contest. Each would try to make a picture that produced a more perfect illusion of the real world. One, named Zeuxis [ZOO-ziss], painted a likeness of grapes so natural that birds flew down to peck at them. Then his opponent, Parrhasius [pahr-HAY-zee-us] brought in his picture covered in a cloth. Reaching out to lift the curtain, Zeuxis was stunned to discover he had lost the contest. What had appeared to be a cloth was in reality his rival's painting.'
The Alex-half of Openned is going on holiday from tomorrow to flowing over with beer. Expect him back on the 5th of February. Until then, a reduction in service is advised.
The Openned reader collects the latest 50 headlines from over 30 other websites and blogs and aggregates them for your viewing pleasure. We don't want to encroach on the copyright or creativity of others though, so you will have to visit the websites in order to read the articles. Go to the Openned reader (or click the link in the sidebar)
'The traveler who goes to Illkirch found at its station, facing the tracks, in white letters on a black background, eight lines that recall something. These are phrases, proverbs, titles of works, as many bites as everyone knows, but a portion of which was arranged to include the words "tram or streetcar." Some phrases appear more than once, as if they wanted to enter the subconscious drive.' No idea what this is? To explain: Agnieszka Orybkiewicz-Hajduk, your days are numbered. This is the kind of confusion. Link