
Holly White Magazine

February issue now out: Ben Vickers (and Sopping Granite) collage special issue. Featuring:

  • Matthew Cunningham
  • David Doherty
  • Claire Donato
  • Robbie Ellen
  • Tom Hancock
  • Rumi Josephs
  • Immanuel Kant
  • Hidenoyama Raigora
  • Josh Stanley
  • Holly White

Buy online here.


Cambridge Reading Series

Friday 2nd April, 7.30pm

  • Trevor Joyce
  • Nour Mobarak

Judith E. Studio Drama Studio, Faculty of English, Cambridge

Admission is free, all welcome, free pamphlet and wine served.



Thursday 22nd - Sunday 25th April

a convocation of unorthodox poetic and cultural practices

featuring an array of cutting edge diversity in respect of poetry and performances of poetry; papers, live writing, poets theater, sound art, talk-based poetics, extended vocal performance, physical theater and digital text collaboration, polylingualism, lyric meditations, translation, poetry readings, writing interventions, sound poetry, visual poetry, eco-poetics, text-based installation, bookateria, late night readings, multimedia and a lot more besides that.

  • Maria Auxiliadora Alvarez
  • Stan Apps
  • Oana Avasilichioaei
  • Mike Basinski
  • Holly Bass
  • John M. Bennett
  • Black Took Collective
  • Sean Bonney
  • Tammy Brown
  • Mairéad Byrne
  • Shá Cage
  • cris cheek
  • Daniel Citro
  • A.M.J. Crawford
  • Jordan Dalton
  • Maria Damon
  • Ian Davidson
  • Ryan Downey
  • Alan Golding
  • K. Lorraine Graham
  • Duriel Harris
  • Carla Harryman
  • Jeff Hilson
  • Jen Hofer
  • Josef Horacek
  • William R. Howe
  • Jade Hudson
  • Christine Hume
  • Peter Jaeger
  • Mark Jeffery
  • Bonnie Jones
  • Pierre Joris
  • KBD Sound Collective
  • Adeena Karasick 
  • Brian Kincaid
  • A. J. Patrick Liszkiewicz
  • Jose Luna
  • Dawn Lundy-Martin
  • Mel Nichols
  • Hoa Nguyen
  • Chris Mann
  • Monica Mody
  • K. Silem Mohammad
  • Laura Moriarty
  • Judd Morrissey
  • Erin Mouré
  • Jason Nelson
  • Mel Nichols
  • Tom Orange 
  • Jessica Ponto
  • Luke Roberts
  • Jaime Robles
  • Ric Royer
  • Linda Russo
  • Lisa Samuels
  • Standard Schaefer
  • Jonathan Skinner
  • Danny Snelson
  • Todd Seabrook
  • Jessica Smith
  • Rod Smith
  • Kate Sopko
  • Rodrigo Toscano
  • Lawrence Upton
  • Chris Vitiello
  • Catherine Wagner
  • Mark Wallace
  • Dana Ward
  • Barrett Watten
  • Brian Whitener
  • Steve Willey
  • Tyrone Williams
  • Ronaldo Wilson

Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

For further information on registration and accommodation point your browser here.

the post _ moot collective are Maria Auxiliadora Alvarez, Tammy Brown, cris cheek, WIlliam R. Howe, Cathy Wagner



Issues 1 - 40 of Tom Raworth's Infolio have been recovered and are now back online on his website.

via James Cummins


Klatch 0, Klatch 1

The first three Klatch meetings were held in Steve Willey's house (Openned Co-Editor). Klatch 0 was held on the 6th Dec 2008. This first meeting was a gathering of friends to share their poetry with one another. However, no magazine was put together. You can see photos of this meeting here

At the second meeting (21st Feb 2009) each poet that came brought 50 copies of one page of their poetry and over the course of the evening the Klatch 1 magazine was made up. You can see a scan of this magazine here. At least ten of these magazines were sent by Amy De'Ath to Sarah Dowling at UPenn in Philadelphia, many of the others were distributed at the Openned readings at the Foundry. 

This format was followed for the more recent Klatch magazine which has just been posted out. However at Klatch 2 each poet kept a copy for themselves and took one copy to distribute to whoever they wished. The remaining copies were then sent out for free to anyone who requested a copy by emailing Openned. 

At Klatch 2 (29th Jan 2010) a reading was also broadcast via Openned TV. Unfortunately no recordings exist of this performance. It is possible Mike Weller was our only audience member. 

We hope you enjoy Klatch 1. Klatch 2 will be posted at some point in the near future.


Writers Forum

Late notice:

Saturday 27th March, 3.30pm

Betsey Trotwood, Farringdon, London EC1


24th Ezra Pound International Conference

Tuesday 5th - Saturday 9th July, 2011

The 24th Ezra Pound International Conference will be held in London, the city where Pound spent the pivotal years of 1908 to 1920 and a place that figures prominently in his work. The site of the 2011 meeting, sponsored in collaboration with the Institute for English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, will be Senate House, Bloomsbury, London. A prestigious facility in an ideal location for Poundians, Senate House has excellent meeting rooms and an experienced, efficient staff. In addition to four days of papers and panels on Pound and others’ work, special events tentatively planned are for walking tours of Pound’s Kensington and Pound’s Bloomsbury, as well as visits to the Courtauld Gallery and the Tate. Additional plans include a reception in Fleet Street, a reading of contemporary poetry related to Pound, the conference banquet, and a two-day excursion after the meeting (10-11 July) to sites in Sussex and Kent, including possible visits to Stone Cottage, Henry James’s Lamb House, and the homes of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, Ford Madox Ford, and Virginia Woolf.

The committee invites proposals for papers on any aspect of Pound’s interaction with London, and/or the English cultural tradition in general.

Presentations should be limited to 20 minutes delivery time. Send proposals (250 words) via e-mail or mail to:

Professor John Gery (, 24th Ezra Pound International Conference, Department of English, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148-2315 USA

To be sure to receive registration information and details about lodging and excursions, please write to the above.


Greenwich University End of Term Reading



The Sound Of Writers Forum

A 36 min documentary made by Steve Willey.

The documentary features eleven poets that have been published by Writers Forum over a period of 50 years. The film had no budget and was made over the course of one week and was first screened at the Off The Shelf event held at the Slade/UCl on the 22nd March 2010.

The website version of the film has some fairly brutal compression applied to it in order to make it fit online. This means you have to watch it at a fairly low quality. If any publisher wants to help turn this film into, and distribute the film as, a DVD please get in touch.

The film is far from a complete account of the activities of Writers Forum and is meant as an introduction to the topic.

Thanks need to go to all the poets that gave up so much of their time to be interviewed, to the AHRC Beyond Text Program for funding my research, to the British Library for giving me tapes to film with and space to record in, to Paula Claire for allowing me to film in her archive, to the UCL Small Press and Little Magazine Store for allowing me to photograph their archive, to the Slade Word Image Forum (of which I am part) and the organizers of the Off The Shelf Event for affording me the opportunity to screen the film at the Off The Shelf Event on the 22nd March 2010.

There are plans to make a much longer film over the course of the year. If anyone wants to be included in this new film please make contact via

The video will be archived permanently on Openned here.


The Other Room 2nd Birthday

You can also read an interview with Tom Jenks, co-founder of The Other Room, at 3:AM Magazine, and read details of the forthcoming The Other Room Anthology 2009/2010 at The Other Room website. More details as and when it is printed.