The World's Longest Novel
Friday 28 September, 2007
'The book, much like Grossman's first two novels, is radically experimental. Thousands of pages of poetry are translated into other languages - among them, Hebrew, Chinese, American Sign Language and various programming languages - and then back translated to create interchangeable sub-elements of which Grossman claims there are 1,000,000. Pictures of buyers, who must apply to purchase the book, will be incorporated into the text itself. Much of the writing is, in Grossman's words, "differentiated and obfuscated. Like a labyrinth in which you can be lost to be found." Despite all of the post-modern shenanigans, however, Grossman insists the book, which is loosely modeled on Dante's Divine Comedy, has a definite narrative thread. The story involves a California retiree's struggle to deal with the aftermath of a young, autistic woman's death and prominently features Hasbro's popular board game Scrabble.'
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