
Ralph Hawkins on Frank O’Hara’s 'Naphtha'

'How much of going on your nerve, knowing what fits and works, is unconscious and perhaps accidental and coincidental? Therefore what is worked and constructed is difficult to ascertain in art that eschews specific formal occasions. Can one poetic technicality inform another? How much of sound, image and thought pattern are interactive, one springing meaning into the other? Sound particles leading to further ideas and images. How do all these images, which seem unconnected, relate and form a mulitiplex? The skeletal Eiffel Tower’s girders somehow reflected / mirrored by the Manhattan skyline. Is it a coincidence that the double f in Dubuffet is repeated in Eiffel and that further f’s proliferate and that France and Eiffel are invoked through Sonia Delaunay and her husband Robert Delaunay who painted the Eiffel Tower, time and time again. Reading notes that there is an abundance of final y’s.'


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