Accretion in Planets/Accretion in Names & How to speak in(to) the sphere of planets (2)
All good stuff on names in: Lytle Shaw: The Poetics of Coterie + some additions.
John Searle - The uniqueness and immense pragmatic convenience of proper names in our language lie precisely in the fact that they enable us to refer publicly to objects without being forced to raise issues and come to agreement about what descriptive characteristics exactly constitute the identity of the object.
In kind of opposition to this Saul Kripke in Naming and necessity (Busts this out) - Our reference depends not just on what we think ourselves but on how the name reached one… it is by following such a history that one gets to the reference. Still their gradual accretion with different; contextual attributes produces a kind of phantom canon of reference inside O’Hara’s constructed world, a canon that both overlaps with and frequently undermines those would be public attribute attributes associated with better known proper names.
The Yolngu gather after sunset to await the rising of Venus (associated with the goddess of love) which they call Barnumbirr. As she approaches, in the early hours before dawn, she draws behind her a rope of light attached to the Earth, and along this rope, with the aid of a richly decorated "Morning Star Pole", the people are able to communicate with their dead.
The names are recalcitrant matter – designating identities from which we are held at a careful distance. To universilise them is therefore not adequate; instead they are strategic remainders that block our easy identification.
Myth produced through an intersocial matrix (or “hopefully” through an intersubjective / intercorporeal relation (which was introduced in post 1 on this topic)
Note for a poetics: Bodies of mass and culture operate within nested tracks
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