

Kevin Doran:
You are invited to submit to the first issue of Divergence, a biannual electronic publication. We are interested in receiving poetry, articles, essays, text-art, animated text, as well as hybrids and paratexts (sketches, works-in-progress, rewritings) -- anything you think appropriate to send us. Divergence aims to be a critical and creative platform/forum for work that is variously referred to as, and encompasses, '(linguistically) innovative', 'experimental', 'avant-garde', 'post-avant', etc. We encourage debate, manifestos, commentary, notes, reactions.

Divergence will be international in scope, with an editorial board composed of significant practitioners and academics in the field. It is edited by Keith Jebb and Kevin Doran out of the University of Bedfordshire, and supported by the Research Institute for Media, Art and Design. Submissions will be sent for peer review. Peer reviewers include Robert Sheppard, John Hall, David Miller, Jeff Hilson, with others to follow.

All correspondence and submissions should be sent to divergence[at]beds[dot]ac[dot]uk. Deadline for all submissions is 15 September, 2009. Enquire at this address if hardcopy submissions are necessary.

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