
Contemporary Innovative Poetry Research Seminar - Andrea Brady

Wednesday 17th November, 6 - 8pm

Andrea Brady on John James and Denise Riley.

This seminar is focussed on the poetry and poetics that have been produced in Britain, Ireland and North America over the last fifty years in the modernist tradition. In their editorial for the first issue of the Journal of British Irish Innovative Poetry, Robert Sheppard and Scott Thurston noted the problem of giving a name to this area of poetry, and listed some of the names that have been applied to it: avant-garde, experimental, formally innovative, linguistically innovative; neo-modernist, post-avant ... The Innovative Poetry seminar series doesn't promise to resolve this problem of naming, but it will offer an engagement with - and exploration of - poetry and poetics of this parallel tradition.

Room G35, Ground Floor, Senate House, London

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