
A One-Day Symposium on The Lyric Touch by John Wilkinson

Friday 11th March 2011

The Centre for Modernist Studies at the University of Sussex presents an event devoted to the discussion of John Wilkinson’s collection of essays, The Lyric Touch (Salt 2007). The aim of the event is to promote critical attention upon an important book, and to generate discussion and reflection in an atmosphere more focused than is possible in a larger conference. John Wilkinson will be attending and responding to contributors’ papers.

We welcome proposals for papers of around 20 minutes in length dealing with any aspect of The Lyric Touch, its critical methodologies, its readings of individual poets and poems, or its relationship to its author’s poetry. Ideas for panels are also welcome.

The event will be accompanied by a reading (date TBC).

The deadline for proposals is Wednesday 5th January 2011.

Please send abstracts and requests for further information to Alex Pestell.

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