
Tariq Ali in Occupied Mansion Building

Saturday 15th May, 3.30 - 5.30pm

Kentucky Fried Education: The Market Assault on Reason

We’re very pleased to announce that the writer and activist Tariq Ali is coming to the saveMDXphil occupation this Saturday 15 May, 3:30pm, to speak on the struggle against neoliberalism in higher education. Tariq Ali is an editor of the New Left Review and was a leading light of the 1968 radical student movement.

To get to the Trent Park campus, head to Oakwood tube station at the north end of the Piccadilly line and take the free shuttle bus.

Mansion Building, Middlesex University Trent Park Campus

Join the Facebook group for more info and to show solidarity.

Why not attend two protests in one day? Join the demonstration organized by Stop The War. Free Palestine: End the Gaza seige. Then head up to Middlesex.

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