
FREAKLUNG | ODES & A Reading in Memory of Barry MacSweeney


FREAKLUNG | ODES is out, featuring:

  • Alan Hay
  • Andy Jordan
  • Antony John
  • Chris Stephenson
  • Dave Lordan
  • Gareth Durasow
  • James Harvey
  • Jeff Hilson
  • Jonny Liron
  • Jordan Antonucci
  • Luke Roberts
  • Mark Leahy
  • Michael Zand
  • Neil Addison
  • Posie Rider
  • Richie Parker
  • Robert Hampson
  • Ryan Ormonde
  • Sean Bonney
  • Simon Howard
  • SJ Fowler
  • Stephen Emmerson
  • Steve Willey
  • Tessa Whitehouse
  • Tim Atkins

£8. To order a copy, contact Linus Slug.



Sunday 27th June, 6 - 11pm

FREAKLUNG zine / ninerrors poetry series / XING THE TYNE present a reading in memory of Barry MacSweeney. Featuring, among others:

  • Antony John
  • Chris Stephenson
  • Gareth Durasow
  • James Harvey
  • Jeff Hilson
  • Jonny Liron
  • Michael Zand
  • Neil Addison
  • Posie Rider
  • Richie Parker
  • Sean Bonney
  • SJ Fowler
  • Stephen Emmerson
  • Steve Willey
  • Tessa Whitehouse
  • Tim Atkins

Morden Tower, Back Stowell Street, West Walls, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4XG

Admission is free.

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