
Conference: Contemporary Poetry and the University

Saturday 7th May 2011

Proposals from practitioners of poetry, academics, and post-graduate students are invited for the symposium ‘Contemporary Poetry and the University’, at Girton College, Cambridge. The conveners hope that potential contributors will interpret this theme as broadly as possible, and would welcome proposals on any relevant subject.

Possible areas to consider might include:

  • University teaching of contemporary poetry
  • Constructive relationships between poets and university-based research/teaching initiatives
  • Universities and poetic traditions
  • The institutionalization of creative writing
  • The current reforms of higher-education funding and their impact on the teaching and production of poetry within the university
  • 'Impact' and creative writing
  • The relationship between academic journals and contemporary poetry
  • Archiving contemporary poetry
  • Contemporary poetry and the essay

Proposals (300 words) for twenty-minute papers should be submitted to Dr. Adam Crothers by Thursday 17th March 2011.

This symposium will coincide with the awarding of the first Girton College Jane Martin Prize for Poetry.

via Sam Ladkin

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