
A One-Day Symposium on The Lyric Touch by John Wilkinson

Friday 11th March 2011

The Centre for Modernist Studies at the University of Sussex presents an event devoted to the discussion of John Wilkinson’s collection of essays, The Lyric Touch (Salt 2007). The aim of the event is to promote critical attention upon an important book, and to generate discussion and reflection in an atmosphere more focused than is possible in a larger conference. John Wilkinson will be attending and responding to contributors’ papers.

We welcome proposals for papers of around 20 minutes in length dealing with any aspect of The Lyric Touch, its critical methodologies, its readings of individual poets and poems, or its relationship to its author’s poetry. Ideas for panels are also welcome.

The event will be accompanied by a reading (date TBC).

The deadline for proposals is Wednesday 5th January 2011.

Please send abstracts and requests for further information to Alex Pestell.


Reality Street: ReScript Books

ReScript Books is a new imprint, dedicated to bringing back into print works of English literature that have been unavailable, or are ill served by current editions.

The imprint launches in January 2011 with two titles: Dracula's Precursors, a collection of three early vampire tales, including the neglected classic "The Mysterious Stranger"; and The Ivory Gate, which includes later poems and fragments by Thomas Lovell Beddoes.



Richard Barrett:

Issue 2 of DEPARTMENT will be available very soon: Yolanda Tudor-Bloch's THE WOMAN: A Song City Memoir.

Yolanda’s work has appeared previously in Blart #1.

THE WOMAN will be available very soon - copies STRICTLY limited in number, so order NOW to avoid disappointment!

Head to Richard's blog for details of how to order.


Stress Fractures: Wilkes, Pester & Silva

Thursday 16th December, 8pm

  • Holly Pester
  • Hannah Silva
  • James Wilkes

Whitechapel Gallery, 77-82 Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX

Admission £6 (£4 conc.)


S Club 7 versus the Anti-Capitalists

Mike Weller's S Club 7 fanzine, first published in 2000, is now available to view online.

A Users Guide to (Demanding) the Impossible

Click to download

via artsagainstcuts


Tom Raworth & Hugo Williams

Late notice:

Monday 6th December, 6.30pm

  • Tom Raworth
  • Hugo Williams

Anatomy Theatre and Museum, King's Building, Strand Campus, King’s College, London

Admission is free, all welcome


Stop The Cuts Info Flyer

A stop the cuts information flyer designed by Tessa Whitehouse and Steve Willey. Download the image to your desktop if you want to print and distribute the flyer.


Ghosts move about me patched with histories

Thursday 9th - Friday 17th December

Artists' talk Thursday 9th December 5.30 - 6.30pm

Ghosts move about me patched with histories is an immersive text/art experience, designed by poet Philip Davenport and performance artist Nicola Smith. Both have previously taken part in artist residencies in Chongqing and will use the exhibition to reflect on their time in China. The show counterpoints the freedom of being in a strange environment with the limits imposed by social control.

Chinese Arts Centre, Market Buildings, Thomas Street, Manchester M4 1EU

The artist talk is free but booking is required.


Making and Unmaking Text

27th - 29th January 2011

Making and unmaking text across performance practices and theories is a three day participatory event which looks to expand the notion of the academic conference, by asking participants to present and respond. We hope this direct and primary response-led work will open up discussion and offer productive cross-discipline exchange. We will be providing a performative academic forum: to explore the place of text in practice; the making and unmaking of the text; and the questioning of academic protocols by this destabilising of the text. We hope participants and will see how text functions in different practice-based disciplines and how to contextualise different notions of textuality.

This event aims to bring together practice based postgraduate students from institutions across the uk. We invite 30 participants to engage in a series of performances, responses, workshops and conversations over the course of three days. Each participant will be asked to contribute by performing, discussing or presenting their work. This event will provide opportunities for practice-based researchers from different academic disciplines to engage in dialogue and knowledge transfer with their peers, and to open up possibilities for future collaborative and multi-disciplined events to take place.

Funded by Beyond Text, an AHRC programme, in association with Royal Holloway, University of London

Details of a call for work posted on the Making and Unmaking Text website.