COPYS by Craig Dworkin
$8, No press, June 2011 (50 copies, 34 loose cards)
To order, contact derek beaulieu.
Originally published in the UK by Matchbox in May 2007, No press is proud to return this rarely-seen edition to print.
Published in a limited edition of 50 copies (25 of which are for sale) each copy consists of 34 loose cards in a hand-typed envelope.
via The Other Room
Nathan Thompson - Questions for Painters
£free, The Red Ceilings Press, June 2011 (eBook)
Ghost Cargo
Tuesday 21st June, 12 - 1.30pm
At midday on the 2011 summer solstice, Tuesday, 21 June 2011, the skies above and around Leeds city centre will play host to a unique ‘sky writing’ project conceived by internationally renowned artist and writer, Caroline Bergvall, and delivered as a part of the 20th annual Refugee Week celebrations. As part of the project, the artist is inviting people right across Leeds to pick up their phones and video cameras, film the artwork as it passes overhead, and upload their footage to this Event page.More information about the project can be found here: via The Other Room
Crater Press Wins Michael Marks Award
Congratulations to Richard Parker for Crater Press's win at the Michael Marks Awards last night.
Sean Bonney at Prague Microfestival
Video of Sean Bonney reading at the Prague Microfestival, May 2011.
Poetry at Clare Hall
Thursday 16th June, 8pm
- Richard Berengarten
- D.S. Marriott
- John Matthias
Common Room, Clare Hall, Herschel Road, Cambridge CB3 9AL

Alongside the festival there will be two events organised by Mike Weller at Beckenham Library.
Writers Unlimited Beckenham Bubble One - 'The next hundred years'
Wednesday 29th June, 7 - 8pm
Members and former members of Writers Unlimited, The Beckenham Scribblers, and Shortlands Poetry Circle read poetry and prose and discuss local writers groups and their place in the literature of the next hundred years.
Writers Unlimited Beckenham Bubble Two - 'Independence day self-publish and be blessed'
Monday 4th July, 6.30 - 8pm
- Natalie d'Arbeloff
- Alex Davies & Steve Willey (Openned)
- Leila Dewji
- Sejal Chad, Becky Cremin, Ryan Ormonde, Karen Sandhu (press free press)
Beckenham Library, 22 Beckenham Rd, Beckenham, Greater London BR3 4PE
Admission £1 per event (available in advance by telephoning Beckenham Library's enquiry desk: 020 8650 7292)

You can also get your tickets by e-mailing or visiting Beckenham Library.
The £1 admission fee also gets you refreshments.
holdfirepress is a new press run by Michael Egan aiming to publish the best new poetry in pamphlet form. Check out the blog or the Facebook group for more information.
Jow Lindsay's Francis Crot's Xena Warrior Princess fan-fic, The Seven Curses
Justin Katko:
The second edition of Jow Lindsay's Francis Crot's Xena Warrior Princess fan-fic, The Seven Curses, can now be pre-ordered for £8 / $12. Comes with pocket-knife, wand, and two corresponding envagination matrices. Perfect for Father's Day. Better than all the other books.