

Now available to order, featuring:


  • Joel Calahan: Four Genovese Poets
  • Anne Blonstein: [Psalm] 13.
  • Caroline Bergvall: The Fried Tale (London Zoo), Part 1
  • Reitha Pattison: Four poems from the French of Bertran de Born
  • Raymond Geuss: Avis Pacis and other poems
  • Jonty Tiplady: Two poems
  • Marianne Morris: Pierre Reverdy’s Art Moderne Retouché
  • Henri Deluy: The Oath of Strasbourg, translated by Jacqueline Kari
  • Peter Manson: extracts from Mallarmé’s The Marrying of Hérodiade: Mystery
  • Ian Heames: Sonnet and Out of Villon
  • Charles Lambert: Readings of Jean Genet
  • Nicholas Moore: Eight Poems from the Nicaraguan
  • Richard Owens: Four Ballads
  • Andrzej Sosnowski: Three poems, translated by Rod Mengham
  • Grzegorz Wróblewski: Richard’s Head, translated by Agnieszka Pokojska
  • Alistair Noon: Two poems by Osip Mandelstam
  • Adam Polnay: Versions of a poem by Hesse
  • Sean Bonney: after Rimbaud Prose


  • Eric Hazan: Faubourg Saint-Antoine [translated by David Fernbach]
  • Kurt Schwitters: The Onion (Merzpoem 8) [translated by Peter Wortsman]
  • André Gide: The Evolution of Theatre [translated by Julian Evans]
  • Jeremy Hardingham: Enter Unfolding Exit
  • Emily Critchley: Some Curious Thing


  • J.H. Prynne: Difficulties in the Translation of “Difficult” Poems
  • Lydia Davis: The Architecture of Thought
  • Haun Saussy: Jean Métellus: A Portrait of the Artist as Horse
  • Nick Jardine: Old friends (as opposed to falseand fickle)
  • Yonatan Mendel: The Politics of Non-Translation: On Israeli Translations of Intifada, Shahid, Hudna and Islamic Movements
  • David Bellos: Halting Walter
  • Christopher Burke: Back to basics: Otto Neurath and Isotype
  • Peter Zinovieff: Nuzuh

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