
Moria Submissions

Bill Allegrezza is currently reading work for the next issue of Moria. He is interested in interested in poetry, vispo, poetry films, reviews, and essays.


Knives, Forks and Spoons Offer

Alec Newman is running special offers over at Knives, Forks and Spoons Press:

Any three books for £10

Any 10 books for £30

Plus a whole batch of new publications.



Now available to order, featuring:


  • Joel Calahan: Four Genovese Poets
  • Anne Blonstein: [Psalm] 13.
  • Caroline Bergvall: The Fried Tale (London Zoo), Part 1
  • Reitha Pattison: Four poems from the French of Bertran de Born
  • Raymond Geuss: Avis Pacis and other poems
  • Jonty Tiplady: Two poems
  • Marianne Morris: Pierre Reverdy’s Art Moderne Retouché
  • Henri Deluy: The Oath of Strasbourg, translated by Jacqueline Kari
  • Peter Manson: extracts from Mallarmé’s The Marrying of Hérodiade: Mystery
  • Ian Heames: Sonnet and Out of Villon
  • Charles Lambert: Readings of Jean Genet
  • Nicholas Moore: Eight Poems from the Nicaraguan
  • Richard Owens: Four Ballads
  • Andrzej Sosnowski: Three poems, translated by Rod Mengham
  • Grzegorz Wróblewski: Richard’s Head, translated by Agnieszka Pokojska
  • Alistair Noon: Two poems by Osip Mandelstam
  • Adam Polnay: Versions of a poem by Hesse
  • Sean Bonney: after Rimbaud Prose


  • Eric Hazan: Faubourg Saint-Antoine [translated by David Fernbach]
  • Kurt Schwitters: The Onion (Merzpoem 8) [translated by Peter Wortsman]
  • André Gide: The Evolution of Theatre [translated by Julian Evans]
  • Jeremy Hardingham: Enter Unfolding Exit
  • Emily Critchley: Some Curious Thing


  • J.H. Prynne: Difficulties in the Translation of “Difficult” Poems
  • Lydia Davis: The Architecture of Thought
  • Haun Saussy: Jean Métellus: A Portrait of the Artist as Horse
  • Nick Jardine: Old friends (as opposed to falseand fickle)
  • Yonatan Mendel: The Politics of Non-Translation: On Israeli Translations of Intifada, Shahid, Hudna and Islamic Movements
  • David Bellos: Halting Walter
  • Christopher Burke: Back to basics: Otto Neurath and Isotype
  • Peter Zinovieff: Nuzuh

Brickfield Gallery Project Reading

Monday 21st June, 8pm

  • Alex Nemser
  • Jasmine Rosenbloom
  • Timothy Thornton

86 Copenhagen Place, London E14 7DE

Admission is free.


Writers Forum

Saturday 19th June, 3.30pm

Betsey Trotwood, Farringdon, London EC1


Richard Barrett - Sidings

£5, White Leaf Press, August 2010 (89 pages)

ISBN 978-0955193279

Pre-order via the Bookshelf.


Counting Backwards #2

Thursday 5th August, 7pm

  • Blood Stereo
  • Becky Cremin
  • Jennifer McDonald
  • Louise Woodcock

Fuel Café Bar, 448 Wilmslow Rd, Withington, Manchester M20 3BW

Admission is free.


Cambridge Reading Series

Friday 18th June, 7.30pm

  • Sean Bonney
  • Simon Jarvis

Judith E. Studio Drama Studio, Faculty of English, Cambridge University

Admission is free, all welcome, wine served.


Tribute to Leslie Scalapino

Leslie Scalapino's writing placed inside/outside events together with/in spacetime. Reading Leslie Scalapino is/as an altering act/event. We honor her passing and celebrate her not ever passing. We invite you to write alongside/simultaneously to/of/on her work for a special issue of Delirious Hem, We are especially interested in critical appreciations and analyses (in any style or format) of passages from Leslie Scalapino's work. The Barbara Guest Memory Bank,, edited by Lauren Shufran for the Summer 2007 issue of How2, might serve as a model, as might the Alice Notley Constellation ( edited by Carol Watts. Poems, images, personal memorials, and short essays are also welcome.

Submissions required by Sunday 1st August 2010.

Visit the website.


Signals 6

Signals 6 is now online, featuring poetry and other work by:

  • Amy De'Ath
  • Kai Fierle-Hedrick
  • Sarah Kelly
  • Michael Kindellan (on Sara Crangle)
  • Peter Manson (on Keston Sutherland)
  • D.S. Marriott
  • Timothy Thornton